Monday, September 14, 2009


When you install Windows XP an Administrator Account is created (you are asked to supply an administrator password), but the "Welcome Screen" does not give you the option to log on as Administrator unless you boot up in Safe Mode.

First you must ensure that the Administrator Account is enabled:
1 open Control Panel
2 open Administrative Tools
3 open Local Security Policy
4 expand Local Policies
5 click on Security Options
6 ensure that Accounts: Administrator account status is enabled Then follow the instructions from the "Win2000 Logon Screen Tweak" ie.
1 open Control Panel
2 open User Accounts
3 click Change the way users log on or log off
4 untick Use the Welcome Screen
5 click Apply Options
You will now be able to log on to Windows XP as Administrator in Normal Mode.

How TO Hack ISP

You wanna start saving some money eh? don't wanna pay for an ISP , eh?
Check this out:

1.) run your telnet program:
on windows , go to START -> RUN -> "TELNET".
on linux , you should open a shell , and write telnet.
2.) then connect (on windows "connect" , on linux "open") some anonymous server , if don't have any then search for one , if you are too lame then email me now! i'll give you in the minute! note: you should connect the server mail
program (port "25")!
3.) now , write the following :

Hi there [YOUR FRIEND'S NAME] , this is [NAME OF YOUR FRIEND'S ISP] support team , lately , our server had some problems with the connection and the user-password files were destroyed , a backup was then released , and it was ok.
but yesterday we found out that it is not an updated version of the file , so , it will start charging you for a larger amount of money for each our you use!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To correct the problem , we have made a speical program to correct the error , all YOU have to do is email :
"[**YOUR'S FRIEND'S ISP NAME**]@GalaxyCorp.Com" and in the SUBJECT write your "user name" and "password".

note: No moeny will be returned if you don't follow our instructions!

thank you,
the support team!

4.) press enter twice and then write "."(without the "") and press ENTER!

now , the places you saw ** say that maybe you didn't understood it all , so i'll give you a simple example ;).

[**YOUR FRIEND'S ISP WEBMASTER**] - example , if your friend is connected througe AOL , then type "" , get it?

[**YOUR FRIEND'S EMAIL ADRESS**] - example , if your friend's email is, then type "".

[YOUR FRIEND'S NAME] - if your friend is called "John" then type "John".

[NAME OF YOUR FRIEND'S ISP] - if your friend is connected through AOL(American Online) , then type "American - Online"

"[**YOUR'S FRIEND'S ISP NAME**]@GalaxyCorp.Com" - this is the hard-part , but if you are reading this , then don't worry , you're one step from the end! ;)..

* launch your WWW browser(MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER\NETSCAPE) , and type "HTTP://".

* Sign there for an account , now , when they ask you what username you want, then try the closest thing to your ISP name(ex - if your friend is connected thourgh American Online[AOL] then try "aol" or "a_o_l" or "american_online" !)

* and when they ask for your email , type your Real one!!!
now continue in your normal life , and remember to read your email!
if you suddenly get a message from your friend's email adress , and the subject is "john j4o87HnzG" then , guess what , you just saved 10$ a month!

Note:------It's FOr Educational Purpose Only.DontMake Miss Use Of it.I Shall Not Be Responsible FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE.

Window XP Geniune Code

this is a windows XP genuine bypass.what i mean by this is that this .reg file will allow your windows to be recognised as genuine while connecting to microsoft web site for downloading or do smth that requires genuine test.i made this code in use it just copy paste in notepad and save it as "windowslicence.reg" (without the quotes) and just click it.

NOTE : there is a little something to be said, after every reboot the reg "effect" will be gone so you have to put it again by clicking on it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]

"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"





Friday, September 11, 2009

20 Great Things Of Google

20 Great Google Secrets,4149,1306756,00.asp
excl.gif No Active Links, Read the Rules - Edit by Ninja excl.gif

Google is clearly the best general-purpose search engine on the Web (see

But most people don't use it to its best advantage. Do you just plug in a keyword or two and hope for the best? That may be the quickest way to search, but with more than 3 billion pages in Google's index, it's still a struggle to pare results to a manageable number.

But Google is an remarkably powerful tool that can ease and enhance your Internet exploration. Google's search options go beyond simple keywords, the Web, and even its own programmers. Let's look at some of Google's lesser-known options.

Syntax Search Tricks
Using a special syntax is a way to tell Google that you want to restrict your searches to certain elements or characteristics of Web pages. Google has a fairly complete list of its syntax elements at
. Here are some advanced operators that can help narrow down your search results.
Intitle: at the beginning of a query word or phrase (intitle:"Three Blind Mice") restricts your search results to just the titles of Web pages.
Intext: does the opposite of intitle:, searching only the body text, ignoring titles, links, and so forth. Intext: is perfect when what you're searching for might commonly appear in URLs. If you're looking for the term HTML, for example, and you don't want to get results such as
, you can enter intext:html.
Link: lets you see which pages are linking to your Web page or to another page you're interested in. For example, try typing in
Try using site: (which restricts results to top-level domains) with intitle: to find certain types of pages. For example, get scholarly pages about Mark Twain by searching for intitle:"Mark Twain"site:edu. Experiment with mixing various elements; you'll develop several strategies for finding the stuff you want more effectively. The site: command is very helpful as an alternative to the mediocre search engines built into many sites.
Swiss Army Google
Google has a number of services that can help you accomplish tasks you may never have thought to use Google for. For example, the new calculator feature
lets you do both math and a variety of conversions from the search box. For extra fun, try the query "Answer to life the universe and everything."
Let Google help you figure out whether you've got the right spelling—and the right word—for your search. Enter a misspelled word or phrase into the query box (try "thre blund mise") and Google may suggest a proper spelling. This doesn't always succeed; it works best when the word you're searching for can be found in a dictionary. Once you search for a properly spelled word, look at the results page, which repeats your query. (If you're searching for "three blind mice," underneath the search window will appear a statement such as Searched the web for "three blind mice.") You'll discover that you can click on each word in your search phrase and get a definition from a dictionary.
Suppose you want to contact someone and don't have his phone number handy. Google can help you with that, too. Just enter a name, city, and state. (The city is optional, but you must enter a state.) If a phone number matches the listing, you'll see it at the top of the search results along with a map link to the address. If you'd rather restrict your results, use rphonebook: for residential listings or bphonebook: for business listings. If you'd rather use a search form for business phone listings, try Yellow Search

Extended Googling
Google offers several services that give you a head start in focusing your search. Google Groups
indexes literally millions of messages from decades of discussion on Usenet. Google even helps you with your shopping via two tools: FroogleCODE(,
which indexes products from online stores, and Google CatalogsCODE(,
which features products from more 6,000 paper catalogs in a searchable index. And this only scratches the surface. You can get a complete list of Google's tools and services at
You're probably used to using Google in your browser. But have you ever thought of using Google outside your browser?
Google Alert
monitors your search terms and e-mails you information about new additions to Google's Web index. (Google Alert is not affiliated with Google; it uses Google's Web services API to perform its searches.) If you're more interested in news stories than general Web content, check out the beta version of Google News Alerts
This service (which is affiliated with Google) will monitor up to 50 news queries per e-mail address and send you information about news stories that match your query. (Hint: Use the intitle: and source: syntax elements with Google News to limit the number of alerts you get.)
Google on the telephone? Yup. This service is brought to you by the folks at Google Labs
a place for experimental Google ideas and features (which may come and go, so what's there at this writing might not be there when you decide to check it out). With Google Voice Search
you dial the Voice Search phone number, speak your keywords, and then click on the indicated link. Every time you say a new search term, the results page will refresh with your new query (you must have JavaScript enabled for this to work). Remember, this service is still in an experimental phase, so don't expect 100 percent success.

In 2002, Google released the Google API (application programming interface), a way for programmers to access Google's search engine results without violating the Google Terms of Service. A lot of people have created useful (and occasionally not-so-useful but interesting) applications not available from Google itself, such as Google Alert. For many applications, you'll need an API key, which is available free
. See the figures for two more examples, and visit
for more.
Thanks to its many different search properties, Google goes far beyond a regular search engine. Give the tricks in this article a try. You'll be amazed at how many different ways Google can improve your Internet searching.
Online Extra: More Google Tips
Here are a few more clever ways to tweak your Google searches.
Search Within a Timeframe
Daterange: (start date–end date). You can restrict your searches to pages that were indexed within a certain time period. Daterange: searches by when Google indexed a page, not when the page itself was created. This operator can help you ensure that results will have fresh content (by using recent dates), or you can use it to avoid a topic's current-news blizzard and concentrate only on older results. Daterange: is actually more useful if you go elsewhere to take advantage of it, because daterange: requires Julian dates, not standard Gregorian dates. You can find converters on the Web (such as
excl.gif No Active Links, Read the Rules - Edit by Ninja excl.gif
), but an easier way is to do a Google daterange: search by filling in a form at or
. If one special syntax element is good, two must be better, right? Sometimes. Though some operators can't be mixed (you can't use the link: operator with anything else) many can be, quickly narrowing your results to a less overwhelming number.
More Google API Applications offers three tools based on the Google API. The Google API Web Search by Host (GAWSH) lists the Web hosts of the results for a given query
When you click on the triangle next to each host, you get a list of results for that host. The Google API Relation Browsing Outliner (GARBO) is a little more complicated: You enter a URL and choose whether you want pages that related to the URL or linked to the URL
Click on the triangle next to an URL to get a list of pages linked or related to that particular URL. CapeMail is an e-mail search application that allows you to send an e-mail to with the text of your query in the subject line and get the first ten results for that query back. Maybe it's not something you'd do every day, but if your cell phone does e-mail and doesn't do Web browsing, this is a very handy address to know.

10 Fast and Security Measures

10 Fast and Free Security Enhancements PC magazine.
Before you spend a dime on security, there are many precautions you can take that will protect you against the most common threats.
1. Check Windows Update and Office Update regularly (_; have your Office CD ready. Windows Me, 2000, and XP users can configure automatic updates. Click on the Automatic Updates tab in the System control panel and choose the appropriate options.

2. Install a personal firewall. Both SyGate ( and ZoneAlarm ( offer free versions.

3. Install a free spyware blocker. Our Editors' Choice ("Spyware," April 22) was SpyBot Search & Destroy (_ SpyBot is also paranoid and ruthless in hunting out tracking cookies.

4. Block pop-up spam messages in Windows NT, 2000, or XP by disabling the Windows Messenger service (this is unrelated to the instant messaging program). Open Control Panel Administrative Tools Services and you'll see Messenger. Right-click and go to Properties. Set Start-up Type to Disabled and press the Stop button. Bye-bye, spam pop-ups! Any good firewall will also stop them.

5. Use strong passwords and change them periodically. Passwords should have at least seven characters; use letters and numbers and have at least one symbol. A decent example would be f8izKro@l. This will make it much harder for anyone to gain access to your accounts.

6. If you're using Outlook or Outlook Express, use the current version or one with the Outlook Security Update installed. The update and current versions patch numerous vulnerabilities.

7. Buy antivirus software and keep it up to date. If you're not willing to pay, try Grisoft AVG Free Edition (Grisoft Inc., w* And doublecheck your AV with the free, online-only scanners available at w* and _

8. If you have a wireless network, turn on the security features: Use MAC filtering, turn off SSID broadcast, and even use WEP with the biggest key you can get. For more, check out our wireless section or see the expanded coverage in Your Unwired World in our next issue.

9. Join a respectable e-mail security list, such as the one found at our own Security Supersite at _, so that you learn about emerging threats quickly and can take proper precautions.

10. Be skeptical of things on the Internet. Don't assume that e-mail "From:" a particular person is actually from that person until you have further reason to believe it's that person. Don't assume that an attachment is what it says it is. Don't give out your password to anyone, even if that person claims to be from "support."

Paris Beautiful Buildings

Bed Rooms Images

Cute and smart babbies

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All Planets

9 Planets










8 Wonders Of The World


Location –IV Templum Pacis(Latin, “Temple Of Peace”)

Built in—Ist century AD

Built By/For—Vespasian, Titus

Type Of Structure--Amphitheatre

Taj mahal

Location – Agra(India)

Built in – 1653

Built by/for - Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for Mumtaz Mahal

Type – Symbol of love

Christ Theh Redeemer

Location – Corcovado Mountain

Nearest City – Rio de janerio, Brazil

Coordinates -- 22°57′6″S 43°12′39″WCoordinates:

22°57′6″S 43°12′39″W

Establishment -- Dedicated October 12, 1931

Consecrated October 12, 2006
New Seven Wonders of the World July 7, 2007


State Party—Jordan



Region—Arab States

Inscription 1985 (9th Session)


State Party – Mexico

Type – Cultural

Criteria – i,ii,iii

Region -- Latin America and the Caribbean

Inscription -- 1988 (12th Session

The Geat Wall Of China

State Party – China

Type – Cultural

Criteria – I,ii,iii,iv,vi

Region – Asia-Pacific

Inscription – 1987 (11th Session)

Machu Picchu*

Huayna Picchu towers above the ruins of Machu Picchu

State Party – Peru

Type – Mixed

Criteria – I,iii,vii,ix

Region -- Latin America and The Caribbean

Inscription -- 1983 (Seventh Session)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Graphical User Interface In Java part 1 from 3

Frankly, graphics-based applications are always more interesting than the application of command-line based. And the good news, building graphical applications in Java, it is not as difficult as imagined

Java is a programming language first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. Java philosophy of "Write Once, Run Everywhere" make Java become one of the popular programming languages today. According to the official website of Java, Java technology currently used in 4.5 billion devices (more than 800 million PCs, 1.5 billion gadgets, 2.2 billion smart cards) and still did not include use in printers, web-cam, games, car navigation systems, medical devices, etc

know JavaIf you've heard of Java, but not so deeply in the program, chances are you will be confused with terms such as Java 2 SDK, JDK, Java Applets, Java Script, Java Runtime Engine (JRE), Java SE 6, etc.All of the Java technology, but if you want to learn to develop Java applications on a PC, the Java SE (Standard Edition) is an appropriate option. Whereas if you just want to run Java applications on a PC, you need a Java Runtime Engine (JRE)

Java SE name used interchangeably with the Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Software Development Kit (SDK), Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE). The latest version of Java SE is the version released on May 28, 2009, the Java SE 6 Update 14 that claim to support Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7, Internet Explorer 8 and Windows Server 2008 SP2. You can download it for free at the Java site, http / /: / javase / downloads / index.jsp

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) has the form of files Basic Tools:

• Compiler name javac

• Launcher or interpreter to run Java applications, called java
• Java debugger called jdb

• Viewers applet called appletviewer

• Disassembler for file.class named javap

• Generators for API documentation is called javadoc

• manager JAR files (Java Archive) named jar

When you first learn to create applications using the Java compiler javac, and java launcher will be your best friend. There are three major lines of program groups can be created with the Java language (Standard Edition), namely: applet, a Java application is run through the browser by calling the HTML tags - the same as if we are to display an image using HTML tags.Java applications (usually called "application" only) Shared longer be: Application GUI (graphical user interface). I.e. applications that use graphics display. These applications can be run on the local computer, just like we run other application programs

a. Application command line, It is limited to applications that display text, which is run and displayed in the command-prompt

b. Package (or library Java) Package itself not to run, he only provides a set of Java classes that are considered useful and the public to be used again

Making Java ProgramsStep - step in making Java applications are as follows:

1. Making the program text (source-code) with the Java language syntax. You can type in source-code in any text editor and save it with java extension.

2. To compile the text into a Java application program

3. Running Java applications with interpreters or the applet, the applet viewer if the shape

For example, we will try to make the first program in Java:

1. public class Hello {

2. public static void main (String [] args) {

3. / / Display message

4. system.out.printIn ( "Hello, world!");

5. }

6. } Make sure the file name is


1. The first line: make a class named "Hello". The entire framework in Java is always in the class

2. The name of the class must always be the same as the file namea.

a)In the first line, is the Hello class name and file name are Hello.javab.

b) Not allowed to use a different name, eg file name replaced with This will cause an error during compilation

3. On the second line written method main (). This method has an array of String parameters. This is a String array argument of Java programs.

a. A Java application program must have the main part, a method called main ()

b. Method main () function as a starting point of the program. That is, when the Java program is run, method main () always run the first time

4. In the third row, there are comments

a. Comments will not be compiled and run

b. Compiler will ignore the comment lines

c. Comment line begins with a slash character uses two "//". (comments by early signs "/ /" should only be on one line)

5. The fourth line is the command to display the message

a. The message of the string "Hello, world!" Displayed by the method called printIn ()

b. PrintIn method () is part of the variable named out

c. Meanwhile, out is part of the class named Systemd. To call the dot operator (".") is used to System.out.printIn ()

The process for compiling Java programs are:

1. Once finished creating the Java file, the next step is to compile a file using javac.exe (Being in the directory \ bin \)

2. Running the compiler command in the command-prompt

> Javac

3. Hello.class which generated files are output files from the compilation results

Hello.class files can be directly run the program using java.exe.

> java Hello

A good start in learning Java. However, it is difficult to be able to develop an application that has the interesting interface simply by relying on command-line display as above.

That's why we need a user interface is graphical, and Java has provided.

Beginning with A Window

Graphics-based application begins with making a Window. In the visual programming language (such as Visual Basic), this window is called the Form, Java name with a Frame. After making our frames can put all the necessary components, such as Menu, Button, Checkbox, Text Field, or whatever you want to put in there.

step in making the frame in Java is:

1. Creating objects by using JFrame class (a class provided by Java for creating graphical user interface)

JFrame frame = new JFrame ();
2. Adjust the size of the frame. If size is not specified, the default size used is 0.0.
frame.setSize (400.400);
3. Displaying frameframe.
setVisible (true);
we try to compile into a complete program
because we define the class name GUI1, then the appropriate file name is
1. The first line is the command:
import javax.swing .*;
This command shows that we need a swing library (package) is located in the javax. Without doing import, we will not be able to make the frame, because the frame class defined in the javax.swing package.
2. The third line defines the class name is used, namely GUI1. Storing files must be done by using the name
3. In the fourth line write method main () which is the main program.
4. The next lines are to make an object called a frame, determining size, and displays.
To be able to see the results, we need to compile it using javac
> Javac GUI1.javaI
if successful, we run the compilation by using Java.
> Java GUI1
Display that appears is an empty frame with a size of 400x400. Note, this frame does not appear in the command-prompt (which used to run the application), but emerged as a new window, while the command-prompt still active.
Problems arise when we closed the frame with the click icon close. Command-prompt does not return to a state ready to accept commands, but still seemed GUI1 running applications (although the frame has been closed)
For that we need to determine the action performed by the application close icon is clicked. We add a command that is placed on line 9
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
If we do not determine DefaultCloseOperation, so when users click the icon close, just hide the application frame. But really, the applications remain in memory, which is why the command-prompt as if it were still running the application (do not return to the prompt and ready to receive another command) In this condition, we may be forced to close the command-prompt or by pressing Ctrl + C in the command-prompt.
Little is still annoying in this frame is that this frame does not have a title on the title bar. We can add a title with one of two ways:
First at the time of the object frame:
JFrame frame = new JFrame ( "TitleFrame ");
Or can be made by calling setTitle method (which can be placed after the making of objects)
frame.setTitle ( "Title Frame");
Ideally we first determine the title of the frame, and if in the middle of the application is required to change the title, we can call this method.
Just a note, form the frame to display a Java application will greatly depend on the platform that is used when running the application. If you use the operating system, Linux or Mac, then with the same program, will produce a different frame models.
Then, the next question is how to add components (such as button, label, combo box) on this frame? We will discuss the Graphical User Interface in Java Part 2

Windows 7 Pricing Details

Long awaited Windows 7 pricing is announced today. Microsoft announced prices for Windows 7 Ultimate,Professional and Home Premium editions. Good news for Home Premium users, they get a heavydiscounted price compared to Vista’s launch price.

Retail Pricing
Windows 7 Home Premium – $199.99
Windows 7 Professional – $299.99
Windows 7 Ultimate – $319.99

Upgarde Pricing
Windows 7 Home Premium – $119.99
Windows 7 Professional- $199.99
Windows 7 Ultimate – $219.99

security from virus/malware/spyware/threats

Virus and malwares are the most common threats for a regular internet user. Here are the few tipswhich need to be practiced on a daily basic which will help you to keep away from virus, malware, spyware attack.Thesetips are apart from having a good antivirus on your computer.

Update your Antivirus
Many of us have an antivirus installed on our system but I doubt how many of us spend time to update it regularly. It is very important to update the antivirus all the time.Updating antivirus means your antivirus software is aware of all the latest virus onInternet so without this information an antivirus software can’t protect your system and valuable data.

Regular scan
Apart from having an antivirus and regular updates , we need to make it a habit to scan your computer system on a regular basic , so any hidden threats can be removed from your system and avoid spreading it over.

Scan and open
When ever you are opening an executable file lile .exe, .com etc make sure you are scanning it. Many of us are lazy enough to avoid this assuming that our antivirussoftware will take care of everything.

Keep away from flash games
Flash games are one of the most evident source for virus and malwares. Technology had grown in such a way that spywares or malwares can be injected to your system on background while you play your games.So be sure you are using flash games from a well reputed site other wise better not to risk.

Avoid malicious sites
Avoid visiting malicious sites , these are the another main source for virus and spywares. Many of the latest virus which may not be captured by your antivirus are ready for an attack on these sites.

Block Popups
Always install good popup blockers and be safe. Popups can install malwares on your system and compromise on your data security.

Email Attachments
Never open an email attachment from a unknown user. Email attachments are considered as the most common method for spreading deadly virus.


Monday, September 7, 2009